ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήFriday, April 14, 2017: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing many visions of your trips to Jerusalem. You saw the Upper Room of My Last Supper. You saw the rock in THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMENE where I prayed. You saw the various Stations that were commemorated on the VIA DOLOROSA. You visited the place WHERE I WAS SCOURGED. You also saw the place WHERE I WAS CRUCIFIED in the Holy Sepulcher. Not far away is another commemoration of MY BURIAL PLACE and WHERE I RESURRECTED. In a further vision you saw the miraculous veil of light over your STATION OF MY CRUCIFIXION. All of these experiences made My suffering and death real for you, because you saw the places where this occurred. You and all of My people should be grateful to Me for all that I went through to bring salvation to all sinners. It is up to each soul to give his or her free will ‘yes’ to accept My gift, and seek My forgiveness for each person’s sins. You all can offer up your suffering, and unite it with My suffering on the cross. YOU ALL HAVE TROUBLES, AS YOU ARE TESTED IN LIFE, SO CALL ON MY HELP TO ASSIST YOU IN CARRYING YOUR CROSS.”
Wednesday, August 14, 2013: (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember your HISTORY BOOKS IN HOW BRUTAL HITLER WAS IN KILLING THE JEWS AND THE CLERGY IN HIS GAS CHAMBERS. You have seen movies of this holocaust, and you have personally visited one of these former death camps in Germany. St. Maximilian Kolbe was martyred in one of these camps, as he died in place of another condemned prisoner. Today, you have another holocaust occurring for THE UNBORN IN ABORTION where over a million lives are lost in America every year. Your country will pay dearly for all of this blood on the hands of your mothers and your doctors. You are approaching another GENOCIDE over the people who will REFUSE TO TAKE CHIPS IN THE BODY, and over those who do not want to go along with worshiping the Antichrist in the tribulation. Already, the evil one world people are building gas chambers and crematoriums at hundreds of death camps all across your country in every state. This is why I am inspiring people to build refuges so My faithful will have places of protection to hide from the evil ones, who will be worse than Hitler. THE EVIL OF HITLER’S GAS CHAMBERS WILL BE REPEATED AGAIN BY A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT THAT WILL SUPPORT THE ANTICHRIST. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when I warn you, or you will die in these camps if you do not leave.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήSaturday, May 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the communist symbols of the hammer and sickle. The communist dictators have pride in suppressing their people, so they can spend money on weapons and control of their people. In North Korea the people are fortunate to find enough FOOD TO EAT. Their leader is threatening all countries, including America, with their NUCLEAR TIPPED MISSILES. THE COMMUNIST MENTALITY is affecting the people of Venezuela who are also finding it hard to get food, because of the tyranny of its leaders. All of the people who have a progressive leaning, are favoring GODLESS SOCIALISM OR COMMUNISM, yet they prefer having all of the conveniences of their Democratic Republic. When you see the face and live in a communist country, then people would realize how evil is behind such a Godless control. You need to pray the rosary for peace, like My Blessed Mother warned at Fatima, or Russia and other communist countries will spread their errors all over the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the older churches you see more ornate stained glass windows that have been there for many years. THE ARTISANS WHO MAKE SUCH WINDOWS AND ORNATE WOOD DESIGNS ARE VERY FEW TODAY, AND IT WOULD COST A LOT OF MONEY TO HAVE ONE MADE TODAY. This is why your old stained glass windows are beautiful in your chapel. THE MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU MAKE YOUR CHAPEL, THE MORE GLORY THAT IS GIVEN TO GOD. These artifacts in your churches are real treasures today. When you come into your chapel, you can feel the holiness of all of your treasures.”
Jesus said: “My son, today it is very difficult to obtain the relics of the saints that you have acquired over the years. You have the papers for their authenticity. Many of the saints have died as martyrs, so such relics are even greater treasures. You can read about the saints’ lives, and understand all that they suffered FOR MY NAME’S SAKE. YOU CAN ALSO IMITATE THE LIVES OF THE SAINTS, AND YOU CAN VENERATE THE RELICS BY KISSING THEM.”
May 8, 2014
Jesus said: “My people, those, who have had the opportunity to visit Israel, are very fortunate to see their Bibles come alive, as they visit the places mentioned in the Gospels. Once you have been to the SEA OF GALILEE, AND THE HOLY SEPULCHER WHERE I DIED AND RESURRECTED, YOU ARE VERY APPRECIATIVE OF SUCH A TRIP. You also went to the Upper Room where I celebrated the First Mass at the Last Supper. AT TIMES IT IS DANGEROUS TO TRAVEL IN THE HOLY LANDS, BUT IT IS A BLESSING FOR ALL WHO COULD EXPERIENCE WHERE I WALKED AND LIVED.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you have been prepared to learn the new changes in the Mass that will start with the First Sunday of Advent. You can also get prepared in your heart to celebrate another Christmas Season. As you went to see where I WAS BORN IN BETHLEHEM, these readings will come alive for you. You also saw where the shepherds were tending their sheep when the angel encouraged them to come to greet Me. EVERY TIME THAT YOU COME TO THE HOLY LANDS, THERE IS A JOY IN FOLLOWING MY FOOTSTEPS.”
Tuesday, November 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, before your trip started, I told you that you would experience some trials, but My angels would protect you. Your first trial was the closing of the Ashdod port because of some missiles that were fired. You had several problems with lengthy waits during security checks for the airlines. There were several sicknesses on the ship that caused some discomfort. Even coming home, you had to deal with a flight cancellation. Despite your trials, you were still protected from any life threatening events. Give praise and thanks to Me that you were able to see most of the scheduled places on your pilgrimage. As you review the scenes of your trip, you will have some treasured memories in the Holy Lands that will make your Scripture readings come alive.”
November 10, 2011
Jesus said: “My son, your people have been blessed to visit the places that I have traveled. It is a great opportunity to see the places where My disciples converted sinners and started the formation of My Church. As you visit these places in the Holy Lands, take a Bible along with you so you can read of the Gospel accounts where you are traveling. Your Bible will come alive as you visit My holy places. You will also appreciate how difficult it was to travel around in the time that I was on the earth. Give thanks to all of My missionaries who have toiled to save souls.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήOctober 20, 2011
Jesus said: “My people, you have been planning your cruise and your plane flights in the last few weeks, and there will be some blessings along the way. You also will be facing some trials, but I will have My angels protect you on your pilgrimage. Events are bringing the tribulation closer to its fulfillment. It will be increasingly more difficult to go on any more cruises after this one. This trip will be a bit of a rest from all of your recent activities. ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF MY CREATION IN ALL THE PLACES THAT YOU WILL VISIT. YOU WILL BE FOCUSED ON ME IN ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS AND MASSES, EVEN AMIDST YOUR TRAVEL PLANS. IN THE HOLY LANDS MY WORDS WILL SPEAK TO YOU IN ALL OF THE FAMILIAR SCENES IN THE GOSPEL. Be grateful every time that you have the opportunity to see where I lived. Help those in your group with their needs, and share your faith and messages with them. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the places that I lead you so you can follow Me.”
Monday, October 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large fan generating some wind is a sign of the Holy Spirit's presence as when the apostles experienced a wind in the upper room. At that moment all of those present had tongues of fire over them, as they felt the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This gift of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles inspired them to speak out as they carried My message to ALL THE NATIONS. Even today, in healing Masses you can see people slain in the Spirit as they are open to receive My peace in their hearts. The Holy Spirit is in all of you, and He empowers you when you receive Him in Confirmation. Whenever you receive Holy Communion, you also receive grace from all THREE PERSONS OF THE BLESSED TRINITY. All of My faithful are inspired by the Holy Spirit, so let that grace move you to evangelize souls just as My apostles did.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήTuesday, August 17, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles that for a rich man to be saved, it would be very difficult, even as hard as getting a camel through the eye of a needle. In the Holy Lands it is possible to push a camel through a four foot square, but it is difficult. I was emphasizing the fact that without My help, it is nearly impossible to be saved. But all things are possible for God. I have spoken many times about not making gods out of fame, possessions, and riches. If you want to store up meaningful wealth, then store up treasure in heaven with good deeds. There are two kinds of treasure: the material treasure on earth, and the spiritual treasure in heaven. I told you that wherever your treasure lies, there also lies your heart. If your heart desires the treasure of heaven, then you are not far from the Kingdom of God. But if your heart desires earthly treasure only, then you may be on the path to hell. Wake up and see that heavenly treasure is all that matters for your soul because these earthly things will be gone tomorrow.”
November 3, 2007
®” Jesus said: “My people, many of the sacred places in the HOLY LANDS where I was born, where I died, and where I resurrected, are covered by beautiful Crusader Churches. When you go to these holy places, you can feel the mystique and sacredness of My previous presence when I was in the body. I have given you My Body and Blood in the Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine. The bright yellow light at the top of these churches represents the appearance of the BLESSED TRINITY in each church to give witness to the completion of My mission. Some people have not been gifted with enough faith to fully realize the extent of My love for man in that I would be incarnated as a man, and give My life up for ALL OF MANKIND'S SINS. NO GREATER LOVE CAN A MAN HAVE FOR HIS NEIGHBOR THAN TO GIVE UP HIS LIFE FOR ANOTHER. This is why it is important to retain your religious traditions and hold fast to your reverence for the Sacred in My Eucharistic Host. If you do not believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, then you will fail to have reverence for MY BLESSED SACRAMENT. I AM TRULY PRESENT IN MY EUCHARISTIC BREAD WHETHER YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IT OR NOT. TRUST IN MY POWER IN MY BLESSED SACRAMENT, or why would Satan try to get rid of My tabernacles of power.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήWednesday, April 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, it is good to look at yourself in a mirror and meditate on whether you are following your ways or My ways. IF YOU WANT TO BE A GOOD CHRISTIAN, YOU NEED TO GIVE YOUR WILL OVER TO MY WILL, SO I CAN USE YOU FOR MY PURPOSES. Looking into the mirror is also a good way TO SEE WHERE YOU ARE IN YOUR LIFE IF YOU WERE TO DIE TODAY. DO YOU keep a pure soul with frequent Confession so you are ready to face Me at your judgment? DO YOU make sufficient prayer time every day, so you can be united with Me in love, and share your troubles and your prayer intentions? DO YOU see the big picture of your life as to whether you are headed to heaven, hell, or purgatory? By answering these questions honestly, you can see what you need to work on in order to please Me in your life’s actions. When you see the images in the mirror upside down, you are seeing how difficult it is to live in your world today, because people may see you as not being politically correct in your actions. Your laws are upside down when they are compared to My Commandments. Your courts allow abortion which is killing unborn babies, and this is against My Fifth Commandment of not killing anyone. Your courts allow homosexual marriages, and many live in fornication, which are sins against My Sixth Commandment. YOU SHOULD BE LIVING IN A PROPER MARRIAGE IN MY CHURCH WHERE CHILDREN SHOULD BE BORN OUT OF LOVE, RATHER THAN OUT OF LUST. Some states allow euthanasia and recreational marijuana, which are killing old people and ruining the young people’s lives with drug addictions. Pray for sinners with your St. Michael prayer of deliverance for all people with addictions, so they can be returned to My love.”
Monday, March 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to your judgment, I will settle accounts with everyone on how you lived your lives. This will be a test to see if you have enough evidence that you were loving of Me and loving of your neighbor. All of your good deeds in your heavenly treasure will be used as your defense. Today’s Gospel is a somber revelation of what it will be like at your judgment. I WILL ASK YOU IF YOU FED THE HUNGRY POOR PEOPLE? Did you clothe the naked? DID YOU physically help people in need? Did you give water to the thirsty? DID YOU visit people in prison? DID YOU take in people who needed shelter? Did you give money to the poor and My Church? DID YOU show your love for Me in prayer and at Sunday Mass? IF YOU DID THIS FOR THE LEAST OF YOUR NEIGHBORS, YOU DID IT FOR ME IN THEM. THOSE SOULS, WHO CAN SAY ‘YES’ TO THESE THINGS, WILL BE ALLOWED INTO HEAVEN AS AN ETERNAL REWARD. But those souls, who did not love Me, and did not reach out to Me in their neighbors, will be cast into hell as their punishment, never to see Me again.”